Trezor® Suite®

Trezor Suite is free to use on desktop or browser at Dozens of features to discover. Try Suite now.Enhanced security and privacy, new design and improved …

Exploring Trezor Suite Features

Dashboard Overview

The dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of your digital assets. You can view your portfolio balance, recent transactions, and quick access to key features.

Account Management

Manage multiple cryptocurrency accounts within Trezor Suite. Easily switch between accounts, view detailed transaction histories, and manage your holdings.

Send and Receive Cryptocurrency

Securely send and receive cryptocurrencies using Trezor Suite. Enter the recipient's address, specify the amount, and confirm the transaction using your Trezor device.

Exchange Cryptocurrency

Trezor Suite integrates with various cryptocurrency exchanges, allowing you to trade digital assets directly from the application. Enjoy the convenience of managing your trades without leaving the security of Trezor Suite.

Advanced Security Features

  • Passphrase Protection: Add an additional layer of security to your wallet with a passphrase. This feature ensures that even if someone gains access to your seed phrase, they cannot access your funds without the passphrase.

  • U2F Authentication: Use your Trezor device as a Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) authentication device to secure your online accounts.

Portfolio Management

Monitor the performance of your digital assets with the portfolio management tools. Track the value of your holdings over time and analyze your investment performance.

Firmware and Security Updates

Regularly update your Trezor device firmware and Trezor Suite software to ensure you have the latest security enhancements. Trezor Suite will notify you when updates are available.

Security Best Practices

Secure Your Recovery Seed

Your recovery seed is the most critical piece of information for accessing your wallet. Store it in a secure location and never share it with anyone. Consider using a fireproof and waterproof safe for added protection.

Enable PIN Protection

Set a strong PIN code for your Trezor device to prevent unauthorized access. Avoid using simple or easily guessable PINs.

Regularly Update Software

Keep your Trezor Suite software and device firmware up to date. Regular updates include important security patches and feature improvements.


Trezor Suite offers advanced tools for digital asset protection, providing a secure and user-friendly interface for managing your cryptocurrency portfolio. By following this guide, you can set up your Trezor Suite and take full advantage of its powerful features. Ensure your digital assets are protected with the highest level of security available. Welcome to Trezor Suite - your partner in secure cryptocurrency management!

Last updated